In 2024, I celebrated a big birthday milestone, I turned 30!
Of those three decades of life, I've spent one full decade engaging with and supporting the mission of Girls on the Run. Girls on the Run uses running as a tool to help young girls recognize that if they set their mind to it, they can do BIG things. I've always loved the mission behind the organization that I have personally seen help countless girls find their voice, develop confidence, and find a group of other girls who have their back. Over the past decade I have coached seven seasons of Girls on the Run, worked professionally with the Southwest Missouri Council of Girls on the Run, volunteered in Kansas City, and will now be supporting the organization as a Sole Mate for the second time.
The mission of Girls on the Run helped many young girls I worked with, but it has also made a significant impact on me personally. Lessons I coached reminded me that my inner voice needs to be kind to myself, through volunteering I have met incredible leaders in the community who inspire me to make a difference, and with the inspiration of the mission and the accountability of the SoleMates program, I ran a 10K in 2022. Now here I am again, doing something I never thought I would. I'm registered to run a HALF MARATHON. What a way to celebrate thirty years!
How can you help?
As a SoleMate, I'm raising money to help fund scholarships so that every girl can participate in the program, even those who could not financially afford it. I hope you'll consider helping me! To celebrate thirty years my goal is to find at least 30 people who will donate to my fundraiser. That donation can be big or small, every bit counts! With that said, if you donate $30 or more, I will carry you with me through the race (figuratively) with a bracelet with your name on it - or whatever word or phrase you want to add to it! Not only will you be supporting a GREAT cause, you'll be a reminder to me during the race of all the people who support me in my goals.
Thanks for helping me and girls across Kansas City do BIG THINGS!