It takes a village to raise a child. And healthy, caring, connected communities grow healthy, caring, connected kids! Here at Tri-Town Council, (TTC), we believe “all kids are our kids,”
With your help, TTC can continue to create, innovate, grow and sustain programs that strengthen healthy youth foundations, skills, connection, purpose, awareness, and prevent risky behavior. After 54 years (and counting) of serving the Tri-Town community, we see the difference these opportunities can make in the lives of our kids and their families.
2nd graders Greta* and Liam* are repeat TasteBuds Kitchen participants through TTC’s Horizons program -- chopping, mixing, swirling, and cooking their way to new culinary masterpieces with each class AND developing some important life skills in the meantime!
5th grader Kelly* loved being part of the Girls on the Run (GOTR) team. Her mom recently shared that the experience boosted her confidence and empowered her to focus on her health and running goals while cultivating new connections and friendships. And now she sees herself as a runner - having completed 2 additional 5Ks since being a GOTR teammate!
Shawn* and James* found friendship on winter Saturday nights through TTC’s mentoring program. James found that serving as a mentor helped him maintain some perspective on some of the stressors he was facing as a high school student. 4th grader Shawn, in addition to having fun, felt a sense of belonging and gained more social confidence because of his connection with James.
For Devin*, joining TTC’s Youth Action Advisory Board (YAAB) as a 9th grader, had a profound impact on his confidence, fostering a sense of advocacy and belief in the role he and his peers could play in positive change. Devin’s YAAB experiences contributed to his commitment to making service to community a life long mission, enabling and inspiring others, and elevating voices and perspectives that are underrepresented and historically unheard.
*Names changed for privacy