Check out our Guide to Setting up a Site prior to submitting your application!
Girls on the Run helps girls recognize their potential and rise above gender expectations that may limit their health, confidence and joy. We respect and value the individuality and dignity of all people and welcome all girls: cis-, trans-, as well as non- binary and gender non-conforming youth to participate in our program.
Spring 2023 Season Schedule
Virtual Q & A and Site Leader Launch
Tuesday, Jan. 31st
Program Registration ($185*)
Monday, February 6th - Friday, March 24th
Registration available for 2 weeks after the season start for only sites that still have spots open
*some sites may have an additional Community Ed or building usage fee added: AAPS, Pinckney, Saline, Brighton, Dexter
CPR TrainingSaturday, Feb. 25th (time tbd)
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (now Trinity Health Ann Arbor Hospital)
5301 E Huron River Dr, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
New Coach In Person Summit
Saturday, March 4th (9:00-11:45am)
The Kensington Hotel - 3500 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
New coaches are required (and returning are welcome!) to attend this in person event where we'll build upon the online Learning Academy training modules coaches should complete prior to attendance. The training will conclude with an optional in person lesson experience (10:45am-11:45am) where coaches can have the experience of running through an actual lesson with one of our trained, veteran coaches.
Coach Materials Pick Up
Saturday, March 4th (9:00am-12:00pm)
The Kensington Hotel - 3500 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
At least one representative from your coaching team is required to attend during this time to pick up the coach materials. If a new coach is attending Summit, they can pick theirs up afterwards.
Season Starts
Monday, March 13th
Registration Closes
Friday, March 24th
Virtual Mid-Season Meeting
Tuesday, April 18th
Program T-Shirt Pick-Up
Week of May 8th
Date to be determined
Washtenaw Medical Arts Building 3075 Clark Road, Ypsilanti, 48197
Girls on the Run 5k Event
Saturday May 20th or Sunday May 21st
Season Ends
Week of May 21st
*An important note for schools that utilize a Community Education or Rec and Ed:
The following sites charge an extra building usage or community education fee on top of our registration fee. Girls on the Run SEMI collects that fee and pays each district on their behalf.
Ann Arbor Public: $30
Dexter: $20
Pinckney: $25
Saline: $23
Brighton: $25
Site Leader & Site Details:
Welcome to the 2023 Spring Season Girls on the Run of Southeastern Michigan's site application! If you have not read our updated 2022 Guide to Starting a Site* (listed back at the top) to review it before beginning the application process.
The general registration fee for Girls on the Run is $185.00. As a reminder, schools that utilize a Community Education department may charge an added fee (range from $23-$30) that Girls on the Run will collect and pay on behalf of the participant. Please see above.
**Any refund requests for participants dropping from the program must be made to the Girls on the Run office by the end of the first week of the season.
Girls on the Run SEMI is unable to provide refunds to participants after the first week of sessions.**
To complete this application, you must provide the following information:
- Each volunteer coach’s name, email and phone number (please have confirmation from the volunteer that they are able to commit to the entire season. Two full time (or 1 full time and the equivalent of a 2nd full time) coaches are required per team of up to 15 participants, however we recommend a third trained coach (not needed for full time coaching) for built-in substitute availability. Any team with 3 full time coaches are able to host up to 20 participants.
- School/Site location (address), phone number and principals' email
- Your confirmed Girls on the Run or Heart & Sole meeting days and times.
- Whether you will be utilizing the Girls on the Run (3rd-5th or 6th) or Heart & Sole (6th through 8th) curriculum.
GOTR teams meet twice weekly for 90 minutes for 10 weeks (20 sessions), H&S teams meet once weekly for 2 hours for 10 weeks (10 sessions).
We look forward to having you join us at the Virtual Q & A and Site Leader Launchon Tuesday, January 31st- more details to come! We're excited to connect in this way, where we'll share important updates to the season, along with information and promotion ideas, and have some fun getting to know one another- all from the comfort of your own home!
Please contact us with any questions!
We are looking forward to working with you to bring Girls on the Run to the families in your community!