Register to be a coach for Girls on the Run or Heart and Sole!
More InformationPlease register your site for the Spring 2020 GOTR Season. (Elementary Schools)
More InformationFor more questions about the Girls on the Run Central Maryland: Ambassador Program, contact (443) 583-7740 or email INFO@GOTRCENTRALMD.ORG
More InformationAll Coaches who are returning for the Fall 2023 season and have attended the National Coach Training are required to complete this application so we have confirmation that you are returning next season. Thank you for your continued dedication, time and energy!
More InformationGirls on the Run Capital Area Fall 2021 Site Application
More InformationThank you for your interest in coaching with Girls on the Run! Please fill out this application as completely as possible. Once your application is submitted you can expect to be contacted by GOTRNA staff for any necessary clarifications, a brief phone interview, and site assignments.
More InformationThank you for your interest in coaching with Girls on the Run! Please fill out this application as completely as possible. Once your application is submitted you can expect to be contacted by GOTRNA staff for any necessary clarification and site assignments.
More Information